Wednesday, May 28, 2008'

p5 camps was loves!! =))
lazy to type everything.go check charlene's blog for details. =)
Thursday, May 22, 2008'
there have been many ppl selling paper clips at the overhead bridge.i seriously think that they r trying to cheat our money. was approached by one who said if he manages to sell the whole box of paper clips, he will be able to get a scholarship to study in uni. =.= whr got such good deals in this world? maybe i shall call the police if they approach mi again. and WE WON HOCKEY GIRLS FINALS!!!!!! WOHOOOOOOOO
Tmr's full day. =)
Wednesday, May 21, 2008'
even though u all lost. in my heart, u all have won. =) cheer up!
Thursday, May 8, 2008'
i need motivation to study.i wan SPF scholarship =(